On June 4, 1920, Mukacevo officially became part of Czechoslovakia. In November 1938, with the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, a part of the territory of the former kingdom of Hungary which included Munkacs was reannexed by Hungary. Munkacs was then the only town in Hungary with a Jewish majority. This continued until May 1944, when all of its 15,000 Jews were deported to Auschwitz as part of the annihilation of Hungarian Jewry by the Nazis.
State archive records date the Jewish community of Munkacs as early as the 1600s. In 1930, 13,000 Jews resided in Munkacs.
The Rebbes. Munkacs’s Jews were led by a succession of Torah luminaries. Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Shapiro, zt’l (1840–1913) was Munkacser Rebbe also the author of Darkei Teshuvah. He was the son of Rabbi Shlomo Shapiro, zt’l (1831–1893), Munkacser Rebbe and author of Shem Shlomo; son of Rabbi Eliezer Shapiro, zt’l (1808–1864), Lantzuter Rebbe and author of Yodei Bina; son of Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapiro, zt’l (1784–1841) revered Dinover Rebbe and author of Bnei Yisoschor.
The Darkei Teshuvah was the son-in-law of Rabbi Chanina Horowitz, zt’l (d. 1881), Ulinover Rebbe.garnered from this article
The Rosh ['סימן ה] explains that it is not the Shechitah of the mother that determines the BP status of the foetus within it. Rather it is the moment that the foetus is found i.e. when it is exposed to the environment beyond its mother's uterus - that is the defining moment that determines the BP status of the foetus.
Accordingly, the Rosh dismisses the question - that according to R Meir [who holds that an LB9=Live Fully-Gestated, is not a BP and only a DB9=DeadB9 is a BP] how can we know when we find a DB9 that it was actually dead at the time of Shechitah, perhaps it dies following Shechita?
The Rosh explain that the moment of Shechitah not relevant, it is the moment of it being found=exposed to the Avir HaOlam, that counts.
In fact the Mishnah [Chullin 74] clearly says this - as rather than saying שחט והיה בה עובר - if there was a foetus within the mother at the time it was Shechted, it says שחט ומצא בה עובר - if a foetus was found in it after Shechitah.
According to this Rosh the consideratins below are of no concern.
The DTeshuvah [YD 64:18] quotes the Bechor Shor - that without confirmed knowledge otherwise we may assume that the foetus was dead at the time of Shechitah since it is discovered dead.
He also quotes the ToAfos ReEim who [mistakenly MGR] assumes that RaMBaM holds that if at the moment of Shechitah the foetus is alive and fully gestated its Cheilev is Assur Min HaTorah, and therefore ponders how we can determine if it was alive or not at that moment.
Even though we cannot be sure he nevertheless permits being Meikel in the case where it is found dead as it is the ruling of the Remah.
[The premise of the next argument is that non fully gestateds likely die when the mother is Shechted whereas fully gestateds would likely live through that trauma. A dead foetus is therefore a B8 whose Cheilev and Gid is Kosher]
The DaAs KeDoshim rules that nowadays the long delay from Shechitah until the foetus is removed explains why almost all foetuses are found dead and deadness is no longer proof that the foetus is a non-fully-gestated with Kosher Cheilev and Gid.
The DTeshuvah concludes that in Munkatsch the established custom is to prohibit Cheilev of all foetuses not immediately removed after Shechitah. He also notes the Binyan Olam discourages the same. Further, he is not in favour of the extreme ruling requiring vessels used for such meat be Kashered particularly considering that all other Poskim disagree with RaMBaM.