HaRav Chaim Kanievsky
printed in MeVakShey Torah 2010
permitting BP in the first instance
The Jewish Code of Law declares that all the future progeny of pure bred BP are also BP. They do require Shechitah [Kosher ritual slaughter] but are not disqualified by ritual blemishes - - is it possible that there is nevertheless a preference to eat an ordinary animal that has been Shechted and checked to be Glatt Kosher?
ANSWER - One may eat BP [referring as per the question also to those born as BP] in the first instance.
In fact the Gaonim Rav Sherirah and Rav Hai arranged this at Rav Hai's wedding [reflecting Rav Chaim's understanding that the Gaonim kept and bred herds of BP] as is brought by the Hagahos Ashri Chapter 4 Chullin [quoting the Ohr Zarua who actually says that they kept BP animals and served them at many weddings]
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky's
correspondence with Meir Rabi
permitting BP in the first instance
also in our times
The Jewish Code of Law [YD 64] declares that the Cheilev [forbidden fats found in ordinary animals] and the Gid HaNasheh [sciatic nerve which is not Kosher in ordinary animals] are permitted in the BP.
This suggests that when Rav Sherira Gaon and Rab Hai Gaon [when they famously fed BP to wedding guests] did not remove these components.
Is this permitted in the first instance even today?
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It appears from the Rav's [R Kanievsky] response printed in Mevakshey Torah, that the Gaonim cultivated herds of BP and that they too enjoy all the special rules of BP.
Is this also permitted today in the first instance?
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The Rav [R Kanievsky] told us that there is no prohibition to cook meat of the BP with milk; [is it correct to say] the reason is that BP are not defined by Halacha as BeHeimah [animals that may not be cooked with dairy]
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The reason that BP progeny are eternally BP is that it is obvious [and requires no Derasha] that BP is a species unto itself and like all species it replicates itself?
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We wish to inform His Honour that his blessings for our success to serve BP meat at my son's wedding has greatly enthused us to vigorously pursue cultivating herds of BP thereby benefiting the public by providing Glatt Kosher meat at significantly reduced pricing and also removing many Kashrus problems - may all Beney Torah become wise via the meat of BP.
May HKBH give you strength
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When one eats BP meat cooked with milk for the first time is it appropriate to make the Beracha of ShaHaChiyanu
Take a new fruit to satisfy that purpose [whilst making "ShaHaChiyanu" for a new fruit have in mind to include eating the BP meat and milk]
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This also explains why there is no decree of Maris Ayin [??] ever upon the BP found in its Shechted mother as a non-fully-gestated foetus nor upon the fully-gestated foetus until it has walked upon the ground, these are as far as the Halacha is concerned, not at all like an animal
- and the decree applies only to that which Halacha deems to be somewhat like an ordinary animal.
The Rav thinks that it is prudent to not differentiate between BP meat and meat of ordinary animals.
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