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HaRav Pinchus Leibish Padwa Shelita
bestows the highest endorsement

eats Rabbi Rabi's
Australian Ben PeKuAh beef.

HaRav Padwa honours Rabbi Rabi, not only with words but also by his actions - publicly eating R' Rabi's Ben PeKuAh.

BP are NOT CHECKED for ritual blemishes which disqualify ordinary beasts from Kosher.

Rabbi Padwa supports and has eaten Rabbi Rabi's BP meat. letter


Rabbi Padwa is very highly respected amongst internationally recognised Halachic authorities. He is responsibile for the worldwide network of the Belz Kosher Institutions, is the Kosher administrator for the Rabbinic Council of Europe and also heads the prestigious KCS Kashrus Authority.

Rabbi Padwa's expertise covers a broad range, his speciality being his passion and experience in the theatre of Kashrus. He has established an enviable reputation in resolving 'unsolvable' challenges in Kosher production, a skill he has honed by comprehensively understanding the technical nature and structure of food production technologies, production processes and machinery, not to mention his vast knowledge in Jewish Dietary law.


Leading Kosher organisations around the globe seek his advice and assistance, including the OU and OK organisations of the USA, the Badatz in Jerusalem, Rabbi Rubin, Rabbi Landau and Rabbi Seckbach.

Rabbi Pinchas Padwa, son of Rabbi Joseph Padwa, was born in London. He is a grandson of the renowned Rabbi H.B. Padwa, head of the orthodox community in England.


Rabbi P. Padwa studied practical rabbinic law and Jewish Theology under the guidance of his grandfather at the Talmudic center and college in London and later in Jerusalem at the international College of Belz.

He married in Zurich, Switzerland in 1983 where he continued his studies at the Zurich Kollel receiving in 1993 his rabbinic diploma from the Rabbinic court of Belz in Israel.

In 1994 he was appointed as the Rabbi of the Belz community in Zurich and as the Kosher Administrator to the Israelitische Religions Geselschaft in Zurich. Here he enjoyed the support of its Rabbi, the famous Rabbi Daniel Levy Za”l.

In 2004 he was recognised by the Paris Bes Din and the Chief Rabbi of Paris, Rabbi Cohen, entitling him to administer the complex arena of Jewish marriage and divorce.

In 2008 Rabbi Padwa was appointed as the Rabbi of the Orthodox Jewish Synagogue Etz Chaim in Amsterdam and in 2011 as the leader and Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox Community Machzike Tauro, in Amsterdam.

In September 2014 Rabbi Padwa moved to Israel where in addition to his responsibilities to the KCS company and the worldwide network of the Belz Kosher Institutions, he lives in and is the very much loved and respected Rav for the budding Belz community of Kiryat Gat.

Site layout and content copyright to Meir G. Rabi

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