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provided by an independent, third party, Government approved auditor

The 'SuperKosher Meat' BP process, created and monitored by Rabbi Meir G. Rabi, is independently verified and documented.

Rabbi Rabi devised and tailored the process after studying these intricate laws and discussing them in detail with and receiving appproval from Gedolei Yisrael.

The 'SuperKosher Meat' BP animals are derived from:

  • non-fully-gestateds which offers undisputed Kosher status,

  • Glatt Kosher Shechitah.

'SuperKosher Meat' is provided from BP animals that meet all Halachic requirements including Shechitah by fully accredited, experienced and well known Shochtim.

Each 'SuperKosher Meat' BP animal and its parentage is identified via DNA. This sits above the standard world leading NLIS [Australian National Livestock Identification System] which identifies livestock and tracks them from birth to slaughter. Microchips [utilised to monitor and charge cars on toll roads] attached to each animal enables farmers and all handlers and processors, to positively identify livestock, in a fraction of a second, and without need to actually handle the livestock. Without any doubt this technology is the 'gold standard'.

'SuperKosher Meat' BP animals are prevented from mating with non BP.

'SuperKosher Meat' BP animals are developed according to the animal welfare guidelines of Dr. Temple Grandin.

הרב מאיר גרשון רבי

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