SuperKosher BP taste better than ordinary Kosher -
low stress handling procedures prevents release of stress hormones that spoils taste. see "research being conducted in Australia and New Zealand is showing that when stress is minimized in animals, the meat has a lower pH and is consistently more delicate than in animals that experience stress during transport, handling, and slaughter ..."
Animal handing and farm set-up for creating the SuperKosher Ben PeKuAh animals, follows Professor Temple Grandin's guidelines - world leading animal welfare consultant. This reduces stress on the animals which in fact improves farm efficiency and livestock quality.
SuperKosher BP are:
born and bred on pristine Australian farms
not sullied by artificial or abnormal feeding
pasture fed and bred in fresh natural, unpolluted, farms
untainted by unnatural growth promoters and adjuncts
mothered until weaned, 6 to 9 months