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How sure are we that the meat we are eating is in fact Kosher?


Recent and ongoing media reporting of non-Kosher meat sold as Kosher has shaken our confidence in the integrity of the established Kosher institutions and certifications. 

The Erev Pesach Meat Scandal of 2013 shocked the Jewish world. This shameful episode has all the makings of a popular spy novel including a private investigator using secret cameras, in which one of the largest Jewish butchers was caught smuggling unauthorised meat and/or poultry into his store.

Such stories have been around for a long time. Over a century ago, the famed Ridbaz, Rav Yosef Dovid Willovsky zt”l, widely respected for his seminal commentaries on the Talmud Yerushalmi, was chased out of Chicago (on Shabbos yet!) for his attempts to reform the fraud in Kosher Meat [introduction to the Ridbaz’s sefer on Chumash, Nemukei Ridbaz. Upton Sinclair’s classic book ‘The Jungle’ also disclosed some of the appalling issues re Kosher. Likewise, Rav Yaakov Joseph zt”l (R.J.J.), New York’s first and only Chief Rabbi, after being publicly shamed and discredited by the unlearned masses for attempting a similar kashrus clean up in New York, was forced into early retirement. Even so, every time another scandal occurs, world Jewry collectively cringes.

Our SuperKosher Ben PeKuAh initiative revives that confidence by providing the only system:

  • able to guarantee that what you've paid for is what you get;

  • able to sidestep the problems that plagues ordinary Kosher.


The SuperKosher BP initiative uses DNA fingerprinting to identify and validate

  • every single SuperKosher BP beast;

  • every single cut of meat from the SuperKosher BP beasts.


We are setting the benchmarks to be followed by other Kosher authorities and institutions. 

Our systems are independently audited, documenting ritual Kosher requirements as well as the DNA database.


BP has, so to speak, fewer moving parts, there is less to go wrong, less room for human error. BP meat has vastly superior Kosher status and integrity because BP is free of all the complications and frustrations that plagues ordinary Kosher meat production. For example, ordinary Kosher meat production:

  • disqualifies many animals due to minor ritual blemishes,

  • requires time and painstaking diligence to identify these ritual blemishes,

  • requires two ritual inspections, sometimes even three, of the lungs,

  • suffers the random mingling of K with non-K on the processing line,

  • relies on the unfailing concentration of many Kosher supervisors,

  • is saddled with expensive processing to remove various fats and glands,

  • is burdened with significant time and commercial pressures.

By avoiding these issues BP clearly enjoys greater Kosher integrity.

  • DNA identification guarantees detection and prosecution of cheats

  • deters the cheats and careless handling.

Site layout and content copyright to Meir G. Rabi

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